From: "Bell, Brian K (Contractor)" <Brian.Bell@d...>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 11:05:20 -0400
Subject: RE: [DSII] FTSR Ogre
Yes and no. I had undervalued the Fencer by quite a bit.
Plus it had a number of lucky shots. Most of my playtests
have been with an Ogre Mark III. But to answer your
question, "Is it stronger than the orignal?": Yes and No.
The Ogre is not lobbing nukes, like in the orignial game.
However the range difference in DS2 has caused me to make
the Ogre worth more tanks than in the orignal game.
In the original game, movement was much greater in
comparison to range:
Vehicle Move Max Range
Ogre Mk 3 3 6
Hvy Tank 3 2
GEV 7 2
Msl Tank 2 4
In DS2 no vehicle can outrun its range (except fast
GEV/Grav with DFFG/1s).
This means that the defense can hit the Ogre for most of
the game. In the original, they had to work to keep up
with a moving Ogre. In Full Metal Ogre, only infantry
and slow tracked have to worry about the Ogre
outdistancing them.
Another factor is that vehicles cannot add thier firepower
as in the original game. Each one must make a seperate
In playtest 7 (not 7f) an Ogre Mk III
faced 23 armor units, 16 infantry squads (+8 APCs). The
original Oger game had 18 armor units and 9 infantry
(IIRC), but less terrain to deal with than a GEV board.
The terrain for the Full Metal Ogre playtests were
fairly crowded with trees and hills, but did have some
firelanes for the HEL equipped Firecats to use.
I am happy with the game mechanics. I need to up the
value of the Mark III a little (and the Fencer by quite
a bit). The reason that the opposition to the Fencer was
so light was that I was running out of minis. I have now
purchased the Deluxe Ogre and Deluxe GEV sets, so have
quite a few more minis to use. 8^)
In playtest 7 (not 7f) the Ogre made it to the CP, but
had lost all but Secondary gun (and APs) and had lost
21 tread (down to speed 5 from 8).
Brian Bell
Integic (contracted with DSCC)
614.692.4794 voice
614.623.1503 fax
-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Books []
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 10:07
Subject: [DSII] FTSR Ogre
On 13-Sep-01 at 09:16, Bell, Brian K (Contractor)
> Full Metal Ogre Playtest 7f
> Playtest 7f uses the same rules as playtest 7.
> It uses an Ogre Fencer as the attacker.
> The defense has been increased to account for the value of the Fencer.
> Added were a unit of Lynx MBTs, another unit of Firecat AFVs, another
> of Vampire Hunter MBTs, and a unit of Herald Hvy Grav Tanks.
Ouch, that was a pretty decisive victory. Looking at the forces I
would almost have to say the Ogre is much stronger than it would
be in the original game.