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Re: Just heard the news

From: Greg Wong <sax@S...>
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 09:25:02 -0700
Subject: Re: Just heard the news

>Just heard about the attacks on the US
>Nothing else to say.......
>Jeremey Claridge

Evidently a number of airliners were hijacked and purposely crashed
into the Pentagon, the World Trade Center in New York (which was hit
by at least two planes) and other places.

As an employee of NASA, I was called this morning and told not to
come to work.  From my fellow co-workers who were at work earlier this
morning, I have heard that they are searching every car going into
the place where I work, and things are a mess.

All airline travel has been suspended within and into the US.  I have
heard that Canada has also shut down air operations (can someone 
confirm this?).

Caltrans (people who do road construction in California) have been
off all the bridges in the San Francisco Bay area.  I believe that
the Golden Gate bridge is closed.

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