Irregular and Scotia minis, was Re: My alter ego: [6mm-Miniatures]
From: "Robin Paul" <Robin.Paul@t...>
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 23:55:56 +0100
Subject: Irregular and Scotia minis, was Re: My alter ego: [6mm-Miniatures]
I've been taking pics of Irregular Miniatures spaceships, and both
and Scotia 6mm stuff for Dirtside. I don't have a website, but if
wants I can email them. They're jpegs mostly 40 to 70kb in size.
Pics include:
Irregular Ships: Imperials DYE codes, Confederation DYC codes,
DYS codes, Bioships DYB codes, Miscellaneous DYO codes.
Irregular ground forces: Assorted NSF codes, mostly armour
Scotia ground forces: Assorted armour and infantry
Scotia modern AFVs: South African TTD and Olifant tanks, G6 SPG, Ratel
variant and Rooikat
Israeli Nagmash'ot Centurion APC, Achzarit APC
Oh yes- 1 pic of Irregular 6mm dwarves, too.
If anyone would like the pics, I'll mail them off-list
Rob Paul