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Re: Campaigns

From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 15:44:35 -0400
Subject: Re: Campaigns

At 9:00 AM -0700 8/23/01, David Griffin wrote:
>I agree with this, but during wartime, the freighters
>we're talking about (liberties) were built at a rate
>that boggled the imagination not only compared to
>warships, but also with freighters built before the

But remember, the components of the ships were being built elsewhere. 
They were in essence assembling the ships from component parts on the 
slipways. They were not built entirely in 4 days. In some cases 
sub-assemblies were built in places as far away as Wisconsin and 
floated down the Mississippi.

The escort carriers were a far cry from the larger fleet carriers. 
Both in speed, ability, capacity and durability.

Prefab techniques will help. But you still need industrial capacity 
to make those components.

>Since the only weapons aboard escort carriers would
>be fighters, they could be easy to build too, though
>they might be easy to destroy. They too would be
>"mostly empty" except for fighter cradles and support
>equipment. Perhaps in wartime, this fighter support
>gear would be constructed modularly in a single
>unit (squadron fighter bay) and installed in an
>assembly fashion aboard anything that could contain
>them. It should be easier to convert freighter hulls
>to escort carriers because you don't need a flight
>deck in space.

But you have to add handling gear, armament storage space, shops, 
crew space, pressurized areas for fighter maintenance, etc. Not a 
quick conversion I suspect.

- Ryan Montieth Gill		DoD# 0780 (Smug #1) / AMA / SOHC -
-  I speak not for CNN, nor they for me -
- -

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