RE: Campaigns
From: Binhan Lin <Lin@R...>
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 09:06:59 -0600
Subject: RE: Campaigns
To maintain balance, there should be some cost to "working to the
Perhaps a shipyard could increase it's rate by burning up capacity (i.e.
shipyard of 10 units could operate at 30 units for one month by
itself) This would allow those short bursts of productivity, but help
it in check since it would cost future building capacity - therefore you
would be more likely to use it in desperate situations, rather than to
a short term advantage.
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris DeBoe [mailto:LASERLIGHT@QUIXNET.NET]
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 6:51 AM
Subject: Re: Campaigns
> Also, even discounting these "special" ships,
> regular ships get built more quickly in wartime
> too. Of course your campaign system may already
> take this into account, but if it is based on
> "peacetime" build rates,
a DD in 3 months is a lot faster than peacetime.
> it might be a good idea
> to up them a little to reflect the panic/motivation
> involved in fighting a war. Maybe the side losing
> would get an increased production rate based on
> everyone working to breaking point.
Good idea--this would help shelp keep things balanced for the life of
capmpaign, instead of it being "fight two battles, whoever wins now has