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Re: Campaigns

From: "Chris DeBoe" <LASERLIGHT@Q...>
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 08:51:28 -0400
Subject: Re: Campaigns

> Also, even discounting these "special" ships,
> regular ships get built more quickly in wartime
> too. Of course your campaign system may already
> take this into account, but if it is based on
> "peacetime" build rates,

a DD in 3 months is a lot faster than peacetime.

> it might be a good idea
> to up them a little to reflect the panic/motivation
> involved in fighting a war. Maybe the side losing
> would get an increased production rate based on
> everyone working to breaking point.

Good idea--this would help shelp keep things balanced for the life of
capmpaign, instead of it being "fight two battles, whoever wins now has

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