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RE: Campaign

From: "Bell, Brian K (Contractor)" <Brian.Bell@d...>
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 15:53:34 -0400
Subject: RE: Campaign

I thought that he meant inter-system trade, but still
under the same government.

That is if System A has an income of 24 and a production 
ability of 6, it will export 18MCr to Systems B, C, & D 
that have a production ability of 6 each, but an 
income of only 3 each.

While abstracting MCr is easier, I still prefer moving
resource markers. It encourages the building of freighters
to move the resources. It also presents the options of
Piracy and Commerce Raiding.

I like Chris' idea of making MCr be a conglomeration of
resources. A system or area of a system is rich in minerals,
but low in energy. You would need to build a freighter to
move the minerals to the shipyard, which I imagine would
be high on energy. If you skimp on the freighters, you will
pay the price later on. And as commerce raiding becomes
more prevalent, you will need to escort the freighters 
or risk loosing them.

Brian Bell

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris DeBoe [mailto:LASERLIGHT@QUIXNET.NET]
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 14:58
Subject: Re: Campaign

> With a 1 turn = 1 week scale, I would think that a decent shipyard
> could churn out 100 MUCr. of work on any 1 ship (though it could work
> on more than 1 ship concurrently) per week.
> Your average CH would take approx. 25-30 weeks to complete, while
> destroyers could be produced at a ship per 3 months or so...

That feels about right.  Can speed up production +50% (max 100%) for
100% of
base NPV.
So a 120NPV DD would build in 12 weeks at normal cost, 8 weeks at 240
or 6 weeks at 360 NPV.

> I'm not sure about that. It's still MOST advantageous to have
> everything in one place

That depends on how much more efficient it is to eg mine minerals from
asteroids vs habitable planets.

> Likewise, abstract MUCr. makes trade simpler to manage. All you have
> to do to encourage trade is to make income and production facilities
> unequal. For example: a system with shipyards will almost certainly
> need to import MUCr. in order to keep production at max capacity.
> OTOH, a core system with high income and little production will, by
> necessity, need to export MUCr.

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