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Re: Campaign

From: "Chris DeBoe" <LASERLIGHT@Q...>
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 09:36:43 -0400
Subject: Re: Campaign

> > I think one of the things needed for a campaign is to decide whether
> > it's operational scale (turns of perhaps a day or a week), or more
> > strategic (turns of perhaps a month or a quarter, allows enough time
> > to carry out ground campaigns and build new ships).
> I like both. The Siege of Earth would be a grand campaign on the
> scale. The Third Solar/First Xeno war would be on the latter scale.
> would be very cool.

True, but should distinguish between them--you don't want to be cranking
ships at a rate of 1 BC per week, if you want to be realistic.

> > For the latter, I was thinking of having three resources: volatiles,
> > minerals, and power; combine one each of V+M+P to get MCr.	 I've
> > mentioned this on-list before, as I recall.
> Its an interesting complexity, but I don't know if its needed. Why not
> just abstract the whole system to MCr production?

This way you have trade, you have merchant shipping, you have a reason
to base everything on one planet but rather to spread it around the star

I grant you it's on the strategic level vs the operational--if a player
didn't want to worry about economics and such, an operational scale is
probably better.

> Seems like all three of these components can be decentralized enough
> fall below desired strategic granularity.

Can be, yes, but I think the detail gives more flavor.	You can abstract
naval combat to be X force points on either side and compare ratios, but

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