Prev: Re: FT Taskforce and Fleet Actions Next: RE: [SG? No, OT!] Cammo

Re: FT Taskforce and Fleet Actions

From: Ryan M Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2001 16:15:56 -0400
Subject: Re: FT Taskforce and Fleet Actions

At 4:01 PM -0400 8/10/01, Donald Hosford wrote:
>Sounds big was the resulting map?  Maybe I could make
a wall
>map for grease pencils...

It seems like I got a 11x17 map with something like 1/8 inch hexes. 
This would be good for planning and mapping...

>One thing I don't like about my second idea, is the complexity 
>involved in moving
>from one planetary ring to another.

Its too heavy. The component for moving from Fleet Action Scale to 
Ship Action Scale will be a rough clock face bearing and the speeds 
will probably have a fixed scale if you are at 1 hex per turn then 
you can have a speed of 0-5 MU/turn entry....

I fully envision games where astute players will have Kra'Vak running 
them down to keep the rail guns at longer reaches while the Kra'Vak 
are forced to brave a larger duration of accurate Beam fire before 
they are able to get into closer Railgun range.
>  > (ie, I've been making infantry fighting positions for SG, they are
>>  built just like they really are, two fighting positions with
>>  cover, slots for firing on the oblique and side and rear cover. I've
>>  just finished flocking them, next is brush, camoflage netting/tarps
>>  and rocks.)
>>  --
>Got any pics of em?

Not yet. I need to get a camera at some point so I can take lots of 
photos and get them up.

- Ryan Montieth Gill		 ----------	      SW1025 H -
-   Internet Technologies  --  Data Center Manager (3N &10S)   -
- -
-		       -
-	      I speak not for CNN, nor they for me	       -
- C&R-FFL -	Toronto, Gun down some squeegee kids,	 - NRA -
-		 Then you can host the Olympics too!	       -	 

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