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Re: [DS] Detatched HQ elements

From: "Don M" <dmaddox1@h...>
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2001 07:49:07 -0700
Subject: Re: [DS] Detatched HQ elements

> I've seen his posts and spoken be fore. I've even built a few bits of
> terrain for obstacle employment. Mostly just line barbwire (mined or
> not...up to the defender),  the 10 roll razor wire bundle (what he
> refer's to as the Satan's Slinky), and a rather large and heavy log
> crib.
> Yep got much of the same in all three scales that I game in.
> Nice piece of hardware from what I've read. Though the Panzerhaubitz
> 2000 is impressive in its 10 rounds in 60 seconds TOT is impressive.
> That goes back to the Germans being a race of engineers,exampleWW2
>had a 105mm howitzer same as ours only their breach had 57 parts ours
>new gun does sound impressive but is it GI proof, that remains to be

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