RE: [OT] SemFed ships
From: "Brian Bell" <bbell1@i...>
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 21:31:54 -0400
Subject: RE: [OT] SemFed ships
Tony sent me a few Sem-Fed ships for the Registry. I have not had time
to add them yet. But here they are:
Ben Gurion class Super Dreadnought
Tony Francis
Tech: Human (FB)
Govt: ~SemFed Semitic Federation of Space Faring Worlds
Mass: 176
Cost: 612
Clas: Super Dreadnought (SDN)
Strm: None
FTL: Std.
MD: 2
Armr: 8
Hull: 53 (Military)
Damg: 14/13/13/13
Crew: 9
Sens: Std.
2 x Screen
5 x FCS
4 x PDS
2 x Class-4 beam (F)
2 x Class-3 beam (AP,FP)
1 x Class-3 beam (FP,F)
1 x Class-3 beam (FP,F,FS)
1 x Class-3 beam (F,FS)
2 x Class-3 beam (FS,AS)
Ramat David class Dreadnought
Tony Francis
Tech: Human (FB)
Govt: ~SemFed Semitic Federation of Space Faring Worlds
Mass: 144
Cost: 511
Clas: Dreadnought (DN)
Strm: None
FTL: Std.
MD: 2
Armr: 0
Hull: 43 (Military)
Damg: 11/11/11/10
Crew: 8
Sens: Std.
2 x Screen
4 x FCS
1 x ADFC
5 x PDS
2 x Class-4 beam (F)
1 x Class-3 beam (F,FS)
1 x Class-3 beam (FP,F)
1 x Class-3 beam (FP,F,FS)
2 x Class-2 beam (F,FS,AS)
2 x Class-2 beam (AP,FP,F)
1 x Pulse Torpedo (F)
4 x Submunitions Pack (F)
Rabin class Dreadnought
Tony Francis
Tech: Human (FB)
Govt: ~SemFed Semitic Federation of Space Faring Worlds
Mass: 140
Cost: 482
Clas: Dreadnought (DN)
Strm: None
FTL: Std.
MD: 2
Armr: 14
Hull: 42 (Military)
Damg: 11/11/10/10
Crew: 7
Sens: Std.
2 x Screen
4 x FCS
1 x ADFC
4 x PDS
2 x Pulse Torpedo (F)
2 x Class-3 beam (FP,F,FS)
2 x Class-2 beam (FP,F,FS)
1 x Class-2 beam (FP,F,FS)
2 x Class-2 beam (F,FS,AS)
2 x Class-1 beam (All)
Brian Bell
ICQ: 12848051
AIM: Rlyehable
YIM: Rlyehable
The Full Thrust Ship Registry:
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-gzg-l@lists.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
[mailto:owner-gzg-l@lists.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU]On Behalf Of Thomas Barclay
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 18:53
Subject: [OT] SemFed ships
Noam, or anyone:
Tony used to have some FT designs for the
SemFed ships on his website. I can't find them
anymore. Anyone have SSDs for them from
when he did have them up?
If so, please drop me a line off-list.