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RE: [FT] New ship design-helps & how-to

From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 10:03:54 +1000
Subject: RE: [FT] New ship design-helps & how-to

On Wednesday, July 18, 2001 6:27 AM,
[] wrote:
> Problem is, I come up with a dreadnaught of 375 
> mass and points of 1399. Is this way too much for
> standard play ? I am using the FT Fleet book ship
> designer and Fleet Mgr.
>  The stats I punched in are as follows:
>		       Mass	Pts
> Hull Int  .25        94	  188
> FTL		       38	   76
> Thrust      4        75	  150
> Shields     2        38	  114
> Cl.2 Beams  8        16	   48
> Cl.3 Beams  6   3    42	  126
> Pls Torp    2 	8	   24
> SML	      3 	9	   27
> SML Mag     6   2    14	   42
> PDS	      6 	6	   18
> FC	      3 	3	   12
> Hanger Bays 3        27	   81
> Armor       5 	5	   10
> Fighters
>   Intercept 2 		   36
>   Torpedo   2 		   72
Well, you've got 4 squadrons and only 3 hanger bays...

> Total Mass	375
> Total Points 1399
> Advice ?

The maximum mass you want is around 200-300.
It looks like you're trying to do too much with one ship.  Split the
functions into 2-3 ships will give you more flexibility, especially if
wind up flying through SML/PB salvoes.	You've tried to combine a Foch
with a light carrier and half a dozen destroyers.  In heavy play, you're
often better with more ships of specialised roles.

A specialty ground support ship should mount Ortillery, Fighters and
of PDS/ADFC/Armour plus a few smaller beams for defence.

As a suggestion, either drop the SMLs and half the beams, or shift the
fighters and Ptorps out to another ship.

'Neath Southern Skies -
[sstrike] Raider Fleet of War Leader Kel'em'all

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