Re: (SG) Has anyone rated up these forces........
From: Daryl Lonnon <dlonnon@f...>
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 11:05:11 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: (SG) Has anyone rated up these forces........
> In a message dated 7/12/01 1:16:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> owner-gzg-digest@lists.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU writes:
> > Hi John, when my group first started playing
> > Stargrunt, we all used Warzone figures. We had
> > Brotherhood, Bauhaus and Capitol represented.
> >
> > We never went out of our way to do straight up
> > conversions, and instead went with a WYSIWYG approach.
> >
> > For example, the Brotherhood Trooper has a rifle with
> > underbarrel grenade launcher for an FP3 weapon. We
> > left it to players discretion to go with gauss or AAR
> > weapons.
> >
> > It worked well for us.
> >
> > Kevin
> Thanks Kevin. Really what I am looking for how the BIG FUGLIES and
> (along with most of the Dark Legion troops) are rated up by folks. I
can give
> it a shot but no point in doing so if someone else has beaten me to
> punch! ;D
> John Leahy
This will be the third time I've posted this list of "alien traits".
Since I have a bunch of the undead legionairres (and Necromutants), I
purposefully tried to include traits that I thought appropriate when
I made up this list.
You might find it useful for ideas. Feel free to add to it and
make comments on it.
Necromutants I'd make Fearless, and Edgy.
Nepharites would probably by Fearless, Edgy, Telekinetic, and a whole
bunch of other things.
Notes: It hits me that it might be nice to have a list of traits that
could be combined to create stargrunt aliens. Most of these should
be psychological in nature (in theory).
Psycorp Forces (from Babylon 5): Telepathy (LOS), Terror (ie Mind
attacks), Natural Sensors (d6)
Space Orcs: Close Combat Tendency, Edgy (Aggressive), Insensitive,
Leadership by Prowess, Uncaring
Space Goblins: Uncaring, Leadership by Prowess
Kzin: CC Lethality (lvl 1), Speed +1, Edgy (Aggressive),
Individualistic, Natural Sensors d6
Space Undead (Undead legionairres from MC): Automatons, Fearless,
Spend an entire turn (one action to disappear, one action to appear)
to move anywhere on the board. MAY be used to close assault.
Teleportation (LOS)
Spend an entire turn to move anywhere in LOS. May be used to close
Thrown objects, getting picked up and slammed into the ground
Grant a firepower (0.5-3 depending on strength), impact d6
Flight/Jump Packs
12" Movement
Easy: All terrain but forest/woods/jungles.
Difficult: forest/woods/jungles
Terrain Specialty
Move a terrain type for movement purposes into another category (ex.
Fish Folk might find Open Water Poor terrain instead of Impassible).
Automatic transfer of command points.
Telepathy (los)
Automatic transfer of command points in los.
Causes terror to opponent. Close Combat only.
Natural Close Combat Lethality
lvl 1 - +1 die shift in CC
lvl 2 - +2 die shift in CC
lvl 1 - +2" in movemenT
lvl 2 - +4" in movement
Close Combat Tendency
Need not take reaction test for Close Assaults, may not break off
close assaults, forced followups on close assaults (if enemy within
1 action theoretical assault range). Suppression may be removed by
declaring a charge.
Natural Sensors
Grants a greater than d4 for spotting rolls for unaided checks.
Note: Maybe telepathic in nature.
Edgy (Aggressive)
These are troops that have a stronger fight instinct than flight
As morale drops, more likely to charge/attack (until they rout).
CO - everything is peachy-keen
ST - Discipline is frayed, troops are muttering about not being
aggressive enough (ie We must leap-and-tear!)
SH - Discipline is breaking down, Roll reaction test to move away
from nearest enemy in LOS or nearest hidden enemy marker.
BR - Discipline is frayed, Roll reaction test to do anything else but
fire on nearest enemy (unless the action you wish to perform is a
assault). Troops begin taking unnecessary risks, subtract 1
from all wound decisions from ranged fire.
RO - Roll when routed, 1-5 Flight instinct kicks in and unit behaves
as Timid when routing. 6-10 Beserk kicks in, unit tries to close
assault nearest enemy unit in LOS. No reaction test required.
If no enemy in LOS must go looking for enemy.
A beserk unit is treated as Fearless (see below).
Should a fleeing unit find itself about to be
captured roll again (yes you can turn on those troops that are
about to grab you).
Edgy troops always test at Level + 0 for Close Assaults.
Note: You must rethink mission motivation when using Edgy troops.
A High motivating mission would be one where dicipline is extremely
important (ie holding back from a fight and waiting for your
opponent to come to you (defensive missions/ambushes)).
Low motivation mission would be those that you wish to attack or
the commanders have a large amount of freedom (assaults on
strongpoints, and patrols).
As morale drops, not much happens (until they rout)
CO - fine
ST - fine
SH - as ST for timids
BR - as SH
RO - as BR
Same as human morale
As morale drops, things fall apart faster. Treat all confidence
levels as one worse (ie CO as ST).
Insensitive (Wound resistant)
+1 for wound decisions from fire combat, +0 for wound decisions from
close assaults.
+2 for wound decisions from fire combat, +1 for wound decisions from
close assaults.
+1/+2 die shifts for armor, if the alien wears body
assign an armor level if the alien wears no body armor.
May leave casualties behind, without penalty. (ie ignore the two
lines about leaving casualties behind for confidence checks). Note
uncaring troops tend not to often have High Mission Motivations.
Leadership by Prowess
Bad leadership ratings (very few 1's, alot of 3's). Leaders may
have addition CC prowess.
Increased command radius by 2"
Suppression has no effect them. Since suppression is a survival
instinct, treat all minor successes as a major success.
Need not make confidence checks or Reaction Tests
Panic without Squad leader, unable to pick new squad leader (may
reform into existing squad however). Panic must then be removed, by
new squad leader.
Troops worship their leaders (ie may even BE their gods), death of a
designated figure(s) result in confidence check. Add the following
2 lines to the confidence check table
Low Medium High
Death of Worshiped figure 6 4 2
For each Worshiped figure dead +3 +2 +1
Your troops are huge, treat them as size 2 (3) targets.
Shifting Psychology
Certain events cause the troop to change its psychology (from timid
to edgy, from calm to erratic). (ie death of leader)