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Re: FT-Nukes in space

From: Donald Hosford <Hosford.Donald@a...>
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 02:38:35 -0400
Subject: Re: FT-Nukes in space

Good point.

The table should look like this:

(first range band) "Right on top of it!"  The target tends to disappear.
(second range band) Anything here will still be dead, and glow in the
(third range band) closeness of target, deturmines damage done to
(fourth range band)  Anything out here might tip the rad meters
alittle , but otherwise will be fine.
(fifth range band) Everything here will be too far away to be effected.

So how do we deturming just where a ship is when the nuke goes off?
The rule should allow nukes to put targets in the first two bands

Donald Hosford

Laserlight wrote:

> >(first range band) "Right on top of it!"  Tends to disappear.
> >(second range band) Anything here will still be dead, and glow in the
> dark.
> >(third range band?) Anything out here might tip the rad meters
> alittle , but otherwise will be fine.
> >(forth range band)  at this point no effects.
> >For us spacegamers, only the first two range bands will be of
> interest.

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