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Questions re Fighters

From: "Flynn Richardson" <Flynn.Richardson@u...>
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 09:38:12 +1200 (New Zealand Standard Time)
Subject: Questions re Fighters

Hi People,

a few questions came up in our last game where both sides deployed

1) Do fighters get re-rolls? vrs fighters? vrs ships? ( We could find
reference to SM and that was it) 
2) In a multi fighter furball the side with initiative goes first and
either target  1 or more groups with the damage shared amongst them...
the damaged fighters have to take a morale check before they can fire
3) A multi fighter dogfight occurs and lasts throughout the turn, Next
turn some fighters want to leave... What are the penalties... and how do
they leave i.e. in the fighter movement section? 
4) The same type of situation as 3) but after the initial movement some
fighters want to use their secondary movement what happens? i.e. can the
other side get a free attack? 

Flynn Richardson
Special Projects Manager
Unilever Australasia

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