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Re: Sa'Vasku Weapons of the Day

From: Jaime Tiampo <fugu@s...>
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 09:56:29 -0700
Subject: Re: Sa'Vasku Weapons of the Day

Beth Fulton wrote:
> G'day,
>  >Well I was going by the FT2 book on boarding parties. I really
>  >even looked at them in a loooong time :) It the rule modification
>  >that CF factors are used to determan crew points then yes, it
>  >assimilates a damage control party.
> Without the books to hand I don't think so (I'm sure someone will
> me if I'm wrong). I don't think the boarding party stuff has been
> since MT at all (except for Schoon et al's stuff on the list).

What's the URL for the archives or can someone post that information?

I don't usually use the archives since I keep all the emails I get from
lists and just search my own database.

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