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Re: Size Class Escalation -- How high in Mass?

From: David Griffin <carbon_dragon@y...>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 13:07:00 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Size Class Escalation -- How high in Mass?

--- Roger Books <> wrote:
> One set of points is economic points.  NPV seems
> to work fine here.
> Another set of points is "combat ability" points,
> which is important in a one off.  NPV doesn't work
> well here because bigger ships are better.
> How about this?  Hull cost is the square of the
> number of hull boxes?
Ok, now I'm really confused. NPV (point cost in
the construction system) being ok for economics
seems to indicate that 200 mass costs X to build
ragardless if that's 4 50 mass ships or 1 200 mass
ship. But Hull cost as the square of the hull boxes
seems to indicate the reverse, UNLESS you're talking
about a sort of point cost handicap to combat value
in organizing scenarios? "Hull cost" seems to 
indicate construction costs though, which is kind
of confusing.

If big ships are such a problem, maybe there needs
to be a CV (combat value) as well as a EV (economic
value) for the next generation of construction
system. That might address the actual combat values
of freighters which cost plenty to build, but don't
contribute to combat power much. Maybe this hull
cost idea could feed into the equation for CV in the
next generation system.

In the meantime, is the solution to try to regulate
the number of each class of ship on both sides? Is
there a rule of thumb handicap system for balancing
both sides?

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