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Re: [SG] [FMAS] Cybermen

From: Derek Fulton <derekfulton@b...>
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:18:46 +1000
Subject: Re: [SG] [FMAS] Cybermen

At 03:23  24/06/01 -0400, you wrote:
>I had thought good armour (D12). But beyond
>that, and the fact they're slow (move as
>encumbered), I can't actually recall what they
>could or couldn't do. (A wee while since I saw
>the Good Doctor).

Maybe D10 armour, they were mostly stronger, but they weren't that much 
tougher (depends on the script I suppose?) and by the end of it all even

UNIT had their measure (reference made in BATTLEFIELD). But Gold was
achilles heel it killed them dead, no save allowed :)


Derek Fulton
12 Balaka st.
Rosny, Hobart.
Tasmania,  7018.

Phone; (03) 62459123
Mobile; 0438459123

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