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Re: [FT] Unpredictable AI

From: Derk Groeneveld <derk@c...>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 15:58:59 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Re: [FT] Unpredictable AI

Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, David Griffin wrote:

> --- Derk Groeneveld <> wrote:
> ...
> > Besides, is it truly politically acceptable NOT to
> > have a human in the
> > loop of a weapon of (mass?) destruction? Do you
> > think it will BECOME
> > acceptable?
> > 
> You mean like a nuclear tipped cruise missile? or
> an ICBM? What's the difference between launching
> an AI drone fighter and launching a cruise missile?

When you launch a cruise missile, the decision to HIT a specific target
has already been taken. With a fighter this is not (necessarily) the
> I will say that a cessna flown by a weekend flyer
> would probably find it a lot easier to negotiate
> with a manned aircraft intercepting him than he
> would a SAM. In other words, until not only 
> intelligence, but also good judgement is included
> in the AI package, humans will still have at least
> one role.

Exactly. And even after, it probably only takes one good incident to put
the man back in the loop ;)


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