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Was Unit labels Now [Shake your funky stuff :)]

From: Jeremey Claridge <jeremy.claridge@k...>
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 16:47:55 +0100 ()
Subject: Was Unit labels Now [Shake your funky stuff :)]

> > Oh, as far as painting technique, the heels of my hands
> > are always pressed together when I paint.  It doesn't
> > matter if you shake as long as everything shakes together. :)
> My table has a shelf running underneath it.  I brace both feet against
> it and both arms on the table, and consign myself to repainting the
> fine details at least three times.  Works wonders.  ;-)

I takes so long for me to stop shaking that the brush is normally dry by
the time I touch
the figure when painting detail :)

Mind you I once witnessed a figure painter shake like anything right up
until the point
where he touched the figure, then smooth as glass.

Hated him ;)
Jeremey Claridge

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