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Re: MT Missiles vs. Kra'Vak Scatter Packs

From: Oerjan Ohlson <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 20:46:27 +0200
Subject: Re: MT Missiles vs. Kra'Vak Scatter Packs

Here we go again...

Ryan Gill wrote:

>At 9:29 AM -0400 6/12/01, Roger Books wrote:
>>Looking at the damage potential of a scattergun it is painful to use
>>them on fighters or Salvo Missiles.  How much more so to use them

Damage potential? 1 single-shot beam die less its re-roll at range 6 or 
less... not *that* impressive, I think.

>Remember though, scatter packs are 50% less effective against Heavy 
>Fighters. D6 Halved, rounded up. That provides a useful yardstick does
it not?

It does indeed. A single Heavy fighter is harder for a PDS to kill than
MT missile is (the Heavy is hit on rolls of 5 and 6, the MT missile on 
rolls of 4 through 6), and yet the Heavy fighter is still automatically 
destroyed if hit by a Scattergun. Why then would the MT missile, which
is a 
softer target than a lone Heavy fighter, not be destroyed by the

Richard Bell wrote:

>An MT missile is four times as durable as a SM (PDS destroys 4/6 of an
>ignoring rerolls, but only 1/6 of a MT missile),

<groan> No, no, NO. *PDAF* and *ADAF* both destroy 1/6 of an MTM per
Neither of those systems exist in the Fleet Books.

The Fleet Book PDS destroys 1/2 MTM per shot (misses on 1-3, hits on



"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."

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