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Re: Shipping Cost from the UK

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 14:24:37 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Shipping Cost from the UK

On 11-Jun-01 at 14:20, Brian Burger ( wrote:

> As an aside, I've usually gotten considerablly faster service on
orders to
> the UK compared to orders from North American companies! My record is
> two-week turnaround on an order from Irregular! It makes the steeper
> charges worth it, plus many firms do not have N.A. distributors.

Or you get people like that bozo who is the importer for WRG stuff.
He refuses to do any of their fantasy stuff and treats you like
trash if you ask.

That's OK, I can take my business elsewhere (Canada in this case as
WRG won't ship to the US because of their agreement with said

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