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Re: [OT] Trek shielding (was Re: Kinetic Shields)

From: Aaron Teske <mithramuse@n...>
Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2001 23:51:56 -0400
Subject: Re: [OT] Trek shielding (was Re: Kinetic Shields)

At 11:07 AM 6/9/01 +1000, Derek wrote:
>At 08:24  8/06/01 -0400, you wrote:
>>At 07:02 AM 6/8/01 -0400, Noam wrote:
>>>Beg to differ. Shields in Trek are proof vs. All damage until they go
>>If that's the case, then why is the Enterprise getting great holes
>>in her hull at the end of Trek VI before her shields go down? 
>>Excelsior.  Now, I suppose you (or they) could say that the prototype
>>had prototype torpedoes as well, but...?
>No. That's because the makers of the movie wanted the Enterprise to get

>beat up and look battered before delivering the knock out blow to the
>guys, films and shows although great inspiration for games of Full
>are subject to dramatic license :)

<grin> I was wondering 'bout that -- I don't have any sourcebooks or 
anything for ST games -- but decided to point it out anyway.  Though I 
(very!) vaguely seem to recall other times (in TOS or NG) where shields,

although protecting the ship from, say, a puncture or whatever, still
rattled up inside... yes, that was certainly (over!)dramatic license,
it may also be like... the whatsits in Zahn's Conqueror books.	Their
never *looked* like they were taking much damage, but the insides were 
falling apart from shock, etc., etc.

Anyway, just thought I'd just point it out. ^_-


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