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Re: Kinetic Shields

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 08:41:11 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Kinetic Shields

On  7-Jun-01 at 17:07, Oerjan Ohlson ( wrote:

> If the shield degrades beams more than it degrades screen-skippers (as

> pointed out by Brian and Roger), you can balance it against the
> weapon types.

Given this, how about: Kinetic Shields:

Mass: 5% per screen level.
Cost: Have to think about this.

Kinetic shields have 3 (5?) damage points per level.  The subtract
1 damage point per level from every beam die or damage die
rolled against them.  If the weapon rolls no die for damage
the subtract 1 per level from each weapons fire.  This ceases
when the shield runs out of damage points.

So against the first shot from beams against level 1 shields
the beam would do

1 beam die - 1 damage.

Against P-torps 

1d6 - 1.

Sound a little better?


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