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Re: FT-Fighters and launch bays

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 16:44:06 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: FT-Fighters and launch bays

On  5-Jun-01 at 16:37, David Griffin ( wrote:
> Yes, all that is true, but you get into the rock
> scissors paper syndrome. Super figher boy can take
> out super gun boy. Super pds boy can take out super
> fighter boy. Super gun boy can take out super pds boy.
> In order to be able to play the same fleet on a
> more or less consistent basis, this kind of extreme
> fleet has to be avoided. This is especially true if
> you're not allowed to know what your opponent is
> taking. Large amounts of ordinance tends to get
> exponentially annoying.

But if you look at my ships they are what I would consider
balanced against different opponents.  I didn't desing them
to only take on fighters.  Of course we also had SMs littering
the area.


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