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SG Heavy weapons

From: Jaime Tiampo <fugu@s...>
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2001 23:57:43 -0700
Subject: SG Heavy weapons

There's been a few ideas running around our group and I'd liek to see
what the list thinkgs of them.

First heavy Weapons.

Ok Jon makes it a point to separate RFAC and heavier propellant guns. I
think that small heavy weapons should get a bonus over their larger
bretheren when firing at dispersed targets.

Gauss and RFAC 1 and 2:
Should get a die shift bonus since they are "rapid fire". So a D10
instead of the D8

Should get a die shift bonus too since they should be able to "sweep"
the field.

Also, lasers should get double range bands since they are more stable.
(no recoil) It would make lasers worthwhile to use on in the game.

Most of us think smoke is a little over powered in the game. Instead of
blocking line of site have it give a 2 range band shift to firing. Some
sensors will be able to penetrate the smok and it won't be uniformly
think, some areas will be more transparent allowing sensors to see
through it.

It would also block lasers and targeting of guided weapons through it.


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