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Re: Sensors and Zooplankton

From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@a...>
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2001 21:44:38 +1000
Subject: Re: Sensors and Zooplankton

From: "Beth Fulton" <>

>  >Breaking? No. Pushing the performance to
>  >the limit? Yes. You must have some really
>  >powerful and up-to-date electronics there,
>  >the best that money can buy.
> You're talking about science funded by the Aussie government so I
> think so ;)

Right. Scratch that idea.

>  >Or the transducer is on a cable or a
>  >towfish... and there probably
>  >aren't very many snapping shrimp around.
> Well I went and checked up and while there are plenty of snapping
> turns out Tony was partly on the right track. They use a set of
> some ship board some that are lowered to depth

A HA! I bet it's the transducers that are lowered, with the processing
on board, that's the usual way. That'll do it. Still pretty snazzy
your standard depth sounder.

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