RE: (FT) Crew Quality
From: "Damond Walker" <dwalker@s...>
Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 17:02:47 -0400
Subject: RE: (FT) Crew Quality
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-gzg-l@lists.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> [mailto:owner-gzg-l@lists.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU]On Behalf Of David
> Subject: (FT) Crew Quality
> Has anyone (or are there any plans for) used crew quality modifiers in
> Either the Good/bad/average style of SFB or breaking it up into the
> classes as DS/SG?
> Any thoughts on effects and point costs?
I've been working on (i.e. thinking about) using a subset of Fudge to
captain/crew values. On the surface this looked pretty good but if I
was to
use the full line of Fudge statistics for this I would end up with
in the -4 to +4 range. A crew suffering from a -1 modifier on their
should be eaten up by a crew with a +1 modifier (all other things being
equal). Or what about an Legendary (+4) Engineering crew that could
items on 2 or higher instead of the regular 6?
Modified 6's don't get rerolls.
I had a sensor operation skill which either reduced or increased the
of active/passive sensors, crew morale statistics, etc. You didn't have
use Fudge Dice to use the mods as they pretty much just acted as
to the regular D6 rolls. You would use the Fudge Experience system to
improve the abilities of your crew -- assuming you survived long
The above is all part of a campaign I'm design as we play it. We havn't
gotten into the Fudge aspect yet but we will shortly.