Re: MT Heavy Missiles and Ship Defenses
From: David Griffin <carbon_dragon@y...>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2001 18:15:18 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: MT Heavy Missiles and Ship Defenses
--- Glenn M Wilson <> wrote:
> I have Full Thrust Fleet Book: Volume 1 in front of
> me -
> FT2:
> Page 7;
> Class-1 Beam batteries as point-defence
> "...Class-1 beams may act as secondary point-defence
> systems against both
> fighters or missiles...rolls of 1-4 are misses,
> while 5 or 6 each kill
> ONE missile or fighter; 6 allows a reroll, as
> usual..."
> That's how Class-1's take down MT missiles...
There is a precedent for MT missiles being
harder to kill then salvo missiles (and the
real rule if it exists isn't easy to see from the
book), However, even if you use the above
as your guide, a reroll hardly makes since
since a salvo missile is a single unit, not
a salvo, so what would a reroll allow you do
do -- kill the missile more than once?
Note in page 2 of More Thrust it says that
it takes a 6 to kill a MT missile from a
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