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RE: Re: PDS/ADFC systems

From: David Griffin <carbon_dragon@y...>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2001 08:12:44 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RE: Re: PDS/ADFC systems

I was thinking about fleet book 3 and wondering about
ADFC since you're talking about it now. 

My ships all have 1-6 PDSs depending on class, and
all but the destroyers have ADFC. This means I kind
of distribute a PDS ship over the entire fleet. I
wonder if there should be some kind of Aegis ship
system in FB3 which ties all the ADFC's together
giving the network some advantage like slightly
increased range, better chance to hit, or something
like that? 

The current rules work ok for me though. Having
16 or so PDSs distributed over 5-6 ships with
lots of ADFCs just about feels like that anyway.
If the opponent is bringing lots of fighters, I 
sometimes add a carrier myself with at least
half interceptors. Sorry if I've gone a little
off topic.

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