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Re: RE: [FT] Simultaneous Fire

From: David Griffin <carbon_dragon@y...>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2001 14:21:02 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: RE: [FT] Simultaneous Fire

--- Allan Goodall <> wrote:
> I've seen groups like this, though. My RPG group was
> like this. They were very much sticklers. I would
> like to try other games or play with different house
> rules, but they would have no part of it. I can
> sympathize with him.
> And let's face it, they ARE somewhat open minded.
> They ARE playing FT, after all! 

They DO seem to play one rule which I regard as
a house rule -- sensors. At least one player puts
sensors and ECM on her ships (which wasn't included
in the Fleet Book I design system so she gets the
points from More Thrust) and is able to get away
with it. I think the book warns against using elements
from both design systems, but really sensors aren't
unbalancing. It's a little annoying to constantly
be showing the scanner my SSD but it's a minor
thing and I could counter by ECM if it really 
bothered me.

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