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Re: [FT] Simultaneous Fire

From: devans@u...
Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 16:14:52 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] Simultaneous Fire

Further, consider what it looks like. Let's say you
have 10 ships on each side. One ship ends up waiting
for everyone else to fire first. On the one hand

On the one hand, you're talking about one out of twenty ships, focusing
the unreality of one, in effect ignoring 95% of the ships in your

This IS overstating, but after you've repeated repeatedly, this kind of
thing glares out at one.

I repeat, if you want to play simultaneous, go ahead.

Yes, the dice initiative system with it's alternating
ship fire system is the one in the rules, and we're
pretty much all stuck with it.

No, you're not.

I would argue the apparent unreality you've described is actually a
for the unreality of shooting at the end of the move. If you want
try phased movement and firing. *shudder*

But, you can adjust the rules to play as you wish. It's there in the
It's probably the one rule, outside of 'have fun', that's inviolable.

If your friends don't want to do simultaneous, because that's not the
it's in the book, not the way it's in the rules, have you considered new
friends for this game?

However, it sounds like some pretty much have a decided preference. It
sounds like you want to US to tell THEM they're wrong. No thanks.


-Douglas J. Evans, curmudgeon

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