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FT-MT missiles

From: "Bif Smith" <bif@b...>
Date: Sun, 13 May 2001 20:14:49 +0100
Subject: FT-MT missiles

I had this idea for movement for MT missiles, and thought I`d post it to
what replies/comments I got.

MT missiles are miniture spaceships, but move a set distance each turn
keep bookkeeping down. Instead, how about having the missiles move at
launching ships starting speed, and accelelerate as they move. I would
their movement as 12 mu plus launching ships speed on the first turn, 24
plus launching ships speed on the second turn, and 36 mu plus the
ships speed on the third turn (or think of it as accelerating at 12 mu
turn for 3 turns). To remember which turn the missiles are on, use a
counter with a number on it to show which turn of movement the missile
on, and change it when the begining of each turn comes around. It would
require a note to be made as to the launchng velocity of the ship that
the missile(s). The problems with this idea (that I can see) are it
opens up
the tactic of small, light ships, with high acceleration flying in,
missiles at high speed, to increase the effective range avalible, and
turning away to prevent them entering the enemies range. This can be
by limiting how far the missiles can maneuver to intercept the targets
(limited delta-v against the high speed/momentum of the missile). A idea
solving this problem I had is as follows. The missile has a limited area
that it can maneuver in flight, definded as the arc/area from the point
started the turn at, and the point it would end the turn at AT THE SAME
SPEED (no acceleration) plus 6 mu (number off the top of my head) to
side of that point (probably easier if thought as a arc template). The
heading of the missile would be the direct line from the starting point
the ending point.

Another idea would be to have the missile move it`s speed first, and
could be placed anywhere in a 12 mu radius from the point determined by
moving it first. The heading of the missile would then be decided by a
streight line between it`s starting point and it`s finishing point, and
distance would also be the speed it carries over to the next turn. This
would allow the missile to slow down from it`s launching velecity (which
first idea doesn`t), and also limit the misssile`s maneuverablity to
turn at
high speeds (if fired from a standing start, the missile could turn 45
each side, but if it was launched at 12 mu, and acclerated at 12 mu, the
angle it could turn would fall to 22.5 deg (somebody want to check my
triganometry here, after all, this is just a guess, it`s been a long
since I did school).

These ideas sound complicated, but would probably get easier with
and allow you to use a speed boost on launching the missile (after all,
the rules at present, missiles are useless if your speed is higher than
missiles movement at launch, because you will overtake them).


"Yorkshire born, yorkshire bred,
strong in arms, thick in head"

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