Re: [FT] Savasku Pods
From: Shawn M Mininger <smininger@y...>
Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 08:52:10 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [FT] Savasku Pods
I have played against the massive Beam weapons. My
buddy took a monolith that had class 5's....and once
he took one with class 6's. We found that the mass
cost progression effectively balances them. He was
able to hit me at longer ranges then I could hit him,
but the huge mass meant he didn't have that many....he
would hurt me, but not so much as I was dead before I
entered into range for my weapons. The Sa'Vasku beams
however DON'T pay any extra cost or mass for the extra
range and extra damage. Also, making a human monolith
ship have any manueverability is extremely expensive,
so usually you can counter the giant ships with good
manuevering from small ships......The Sa'Vasku don't
have that problem either. This is why I would agree
that massive human ships aren't quite as overpowered
as Sa'Vasku.
--- Beth Fulton <> wrote:
> G'day,
> >We've seen large ships in our game designed with
> >human technology and they don't seem to be
> unbalancing
> >in the way that large custom Savasku are.
> Just out of interest have the human ships involved
> ever sported one of
> those class 6 or larger beams that are possible if
> you take the mass
> progression thing on and up? I haven't had a chance
> to sit and down and see
> whether the extra mass involved compensates more
> than the extra power
> generator mass does in the SV, but it was just a
> thought. I'll try and have
> a look over the weekend.
> Beth
> Elizabeth Fulton
> c/o CSIRO Division of Marine Research
> GPO Box 1538
> Phone (03) 6232 5018 International +61 3 6232 5018
> Fax 03 6232 5053 International +61 3 6232 5053
> email:
Thank You,
Shawn M Mininger
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