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Re: [DS2] - TANKS! For sale

From: Shawn M Mininger <smininger@y...>
Date: Tue, 1 May 2001 05:56:53 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [DS2] - TANKS! For sale

Hey Scott.  I'm mostly a Full Thrust player, but I've
been getting into DSII because of this list.  I have
heard so many cool stories and seen so many user web
sites, that I decided to try it.

I have a buddy that loves the Tuffleyverse. I have
told him that I wanted to add DSII as the planet level
invasion forces to our Full Thrust campaign.

I'd be very interested in purchasing some miniatures,
as I have none for this scale (but I have quite a few
for FT).

--- Scott Spieker <> wrote:
> Hi all,
>     I have recently traded for a large collection of
> 'stuff'.  As a part of
> the collection, there is a large DS2 tank force that
> is entirely painted and
> based.  I am looking to sell the collection off
> since I don't have anyone
> else who likes DS2 - even though I own the rules and
> have enough tanks for
> three people.
>     Anyway, the collection is comprised mainly of
> Centurion / Renegade
> Legion tanks (some plastic, some metal) and GZG
> Future Wars tanks.  There is
> close to 60 tanks total.  Unfortunately there is no
> infantry to support the
> tanks though.  All of the vehicles are grav and
> mounted on bases to give
> them the perception of grav flight.  The bases are
> flocked and easily fit
> within the storage cases.  I can and will supply
> photos on my website this
> evening.
>     If I don't find any interest in this collection,
> I will be posting it
> for auction on e-bay.
>     If you are interested, please contact me
> off-list at:
> Thank you,
> Scott Spieker

Thank You,

Shawn M Mininger

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