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Re: Subject: Terrain

From: Andy Cowell <andy@c...>
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 14:52:33 -0500
Subject: Re: Subject: Terrain

In message <>, 
> I understood about the static part, but never understood how
> 'blowing' would work well given your breath tends towards high
> humidity, the bane of static charges. The squeeze bulb makes sense,
> then. Thanks for clearing up decades of confusion. ;->=

I don't know, but it does work.  My WAG is the breath stands in up,
and then the static charge keeps it up.

> It's actually strong enough to pull the 'threads' out of whatever
> you're using to 'glue' to the surface?

Yes.  Like I said, it does work.  Perhaps a true static applicator or

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