Re: The United States in Full Thrust
From: "Don M" <madd@v...>
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 10:30:23 -0500
Subject: Re: The United States in Full Thrust
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 9:02 AM
Subject: RE: The United States in Full Thrust
> Why? Are the US politicians and economists somehow better than all
> the others throughout history?
No just pig headed
Why? Are the US generals too indecisive to try and rectify a bad
> situation? Are they too proud to help for outside help?
All of us military types swear to support and defend the
against all enemies foreign and domestic,this to me at least precludes
taking of fidelity to a sovereign, or even the asking for the
assistance of
any foreign power with in the confines of the USA.
> Becoming a founder member of a global super-power that makes the
> current USA look lightweight, how terrible would that be?
It isn't matter that we slip from the top so much as the fact that we
not nor could ever be a part of the British
> I'm sure that a Roman would have said similar things if you'd
> predicted a collapse of his empire.
Rome had no constitution so every time an Emperor died 4 to 6
generals with there armies would scurry toward Rome.It is a wonder
that it lasted as long as it did.
> Now I don't get this. Where does it say that the USA becomes a
> British (not English) colony? The background states that the UK, the
> USA and Canada unite under the crown. The Queen is head of state in
> Canada today. Doesn't make Canada a british colony though.
To we in the USA it is hard to see that, although true. The idea of a
or Queen goes against the grain............haven't had one in over 200
> I see the NAC as a confederation of all three founder members, with a
> single government (with the monarch as titular head of state) but
> with distinct regional differences. The USA would make up the bulk of
> the AC's population when first founded - there's no way that all
> those people could be treated as second class citizens. The former
> USA provided the nascent NAC with the bulk of its resources and
> population - in many ways the former USA was the very core of the
> NAC.
That aside, I like the NAC as is in the Tuffyverse like the ships and
blend of British and US military traditions and doctrines to be very
interesting, right down to ship names. I wouldn't change a thing with
The thing to remember is this is but a game and we gamers love to put
our imprint apon it (clanish bunch).
> If you want to talk about the downtrodden colonial population, then
> what about the inhabitants of the former LLAR?
good point!
Don M