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Re: The United States in Full Thrust

From: "Don M" <madd@v...>
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 15:42:57 -0500
Subject: Re: The United States in Full Thrust

			 The United Star Union


I use a variation on Stray Cat's USA information only 
mine is a brake a way group of colony worlds and
asteroid mining colonies. Found primarily by US and 
other NAC separatists. Since these colonies were
developed and had a well trained territorial guard and
ship repair facilities, the expansion of the USU was
both rapid and sustainable.
   Do to the fact that the separation was largely a
peaceful process by referendum with the immediate
recognition by the UN , relations with the NAC are
very good. Mutual defense and trade treaties were signed
and ratified by congress, as well as Cooperative training
exercises of both USU and NAC forces. In resent years
trade and mutual defense overture have been made by the
NSL as well.Relations with the FSE are as always STRAINED.
The relationship with the ESU and Islamic Federation are
down right ugly.

As for the ships I use, well I had played Star Fleet Battles
for years and as a consequence I have all these UFP ships
laying about so had to give them a home. The USU Navy is
made up of all the old and some of the new Federation figures.

Now if only I can find a home for the Klingons.............


> Does anyone out there play a variant of the 
> Full Thrust universe fluff which eliminates the
> collapse of the United States in favor of the
> US's continued existance in the universe? 
> Presumably the US would be equivalent to the
> other big four navies.
> Or barring that, does anyone out there play
> a reformed United States out among the stars
> with a United States Navy making frequent
> appearances?
> I don't buy the US collapse history and would
> like to revise it. I'd like to get some guidance
> from the rest of you to determine what consequences
> it would have and how best to do it. Thanks.

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