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Re: FT - No initiative simultaneous fire

From: Jaime Tiampo <fugu@s...>
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 18:19:30 -0700
Subject: Re: FT - No initiative simultaneous fire

stranger wrote:

> I've been thinking about the different fire options, including
> thrust based, mass based and just plain old random.  All the arguments
> heard so far have been very good and quite convincing, which leads me
> think that perhaps a combined system might be best.  I was thinking
> initiative could be divided up into groups, and each groups fire would
> simultaneous within that group.  The groups could first be formed
based on
> thrust, so as to give the more nimble ships a first shot, by taking
> thrust of the "fastest" ship and averaging it with the thrust of the
> "slowest" ship.  All ships with thrust ratings greater than that
average are
> in group one, all other ships are in group two.  Then, maybe the
> could be divided once more based on some other criteria, such as crew
> quality.  That could break each group into possibly three groups as
> elite units fire first (simultaneous), followed by veterans, followed
> green.

Sounds waaay too complicated. I don't believe in thrust based initiative
personally since I think it's more about the firecontrol and the ship's
crew then the speed of the ship itself. The more you try and break
things down and even things up by ship stats the more complex and
unwieldly it gets. I'd rather not spend an equal time calculating groups
and fire procedure as actual gaming. If you're really intent on making
it more even for those who have more ships and don't like just drawing
cards try this:

Person with more ships has initiative, they fire ships until the numbers
are equal, then you alternate.

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