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RE: RE: FT-Tugs and swarm tactics

From: "laserlight@q..." <>
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 11:57:31 -0400
Subject: RE: RE: FT-Tugs and swarm tactics

> If the tug is indeed far enough from the action so as not to be
> in combat, then the non-FTL ships have to pay extra points (10-20%
> Laserlight?) to compensate for the lack of targetable transportation.
That > kills your point advantage.

Oerjan's opinion is that it should be 10-15%; that the difference
between 10% and 15% is less than the effects of luck in eg initiative
rolls (except for large battles); and non-FTL ships can't escape when
crippled; therefore he recommends adding +10%NPV to non-FTL ships.

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