Re: FT - No initiative simultaneous fire
From: "bkb@b..." <>
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 11:39:53 GMT
Subject: Re: FT - No initiative simultaneous fire
avid Rodemaker writes:
>> >> One way I`ve tried involved simultaineous fire and using
innitiative to
>> >> decide which side moves first (the loser in initiative), with
>> ships moving
>> >> without writing orders, like battletech. You lose a lot in the
>> chance of
>> >> miss orders and guessing where the enemy will move, but it does
>> >> speed up the
>> >> game immensly. Hell, I`ve even tried a hex based system, with
>> >> ships able to
>> >> alter there course by 1 hexside facing for a thrust based on
>> their speed
>> >> divided by their thrust rating (ie-1 thrust point for a thrust
>> 6 ship to
>> >> alter course by 1 hexside at speed upto 6 hex per turn). It
>> ends up as a
>> >> totally different game, but was interesting.
>> >
>> > Has anyone tried the opposite? Simultaneous movement (plotted) and
>> > Init. fire by ship? I have to admit, I prefer Init. by ship because
>> > allows for Crew Quality modifiers, etc.
>> >
>> > David
>> >
>> Isn't this the standard way?
> I was thinking of "true" random initiative as opposed to alternating
> Can really screw a player (What do you *mean* all of her ships fire
> mine...) but that's life <g>.
> David
This is the way I run my PBEM games. I assign a random shooting order to
the ships (and a seperate random shooting order to fighters).
Brian Bell