Re: [OT] Maps
From: Tony Christney <tchristney@h...>
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2001 15:59:46 -0700
Subject: Re: [OT] Maps
>I'm getting a couple of companies of gropos and have been looking for
>a place to use them. Lo and behold, you can get free topographic maps
>online at . Maps come in small, medium and
>large--"large" is about 750K. I've just downloaded a 1:25,000 scale
>map which covers the area around my parents' farm, converted one tile
>to bmp and expanded it, and now have a topo map for an area about 300m
>square--perfect for SG.
If you have access to a GIS package, you can get digital elevation
models of the US from
These allow you to build a 3D model of the topography. Or you
could print out contours, cut them out of polystyrene, stack them
together, and defend your home town against the Kra'Vak...
All at the precise 1" = 100m scale of DS2...
Just a thought
Tony Christney