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RE: [OT] Digital Cameras

From: A Scruffy Drummer <jmodule@y...>
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 07:27:34 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RE: [OT] Digital Cameras

Just to throw in another angle on digital cameras... I
reciently found a cheap alternative by using the Intel
web camera that I have at work (cost approx. US$80).

While it is _not_ portable and doesn't take good
distant pictures at all, it can take great photos of
miniatures for posting on a web site.  I can take my
camera and slide the miniature to almost 1 inch away
from the lense and then take a picture that has crisp
focus and is saved as a ~35K JPG.  Then I can upload
the picture without really needing to do any editing.

You the results on my site at
Try to ignore the poor lighting. :(  I did most of the
pictures in an hour one evening after work.


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