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Re: agoodall Re: [OT] Double Messages

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 09:48:43 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: agoodall Re: [OT] Double Messages

On  4-Apr-01 at 06:43, (
> Allan (and anyone else bither by this),
> No, its probably not your account. Its just a quirk of the
> that email messages are transmitted across the Internet. Occasionally
> message packets will get routed teo (or more) different ways. When
> happens, because of the different delays in each route (goodness knows
> many routers and intermediate MTAs a message will pass thro) then the
> message ends up getting duplicated. Its something we all just have to
> up with. Happily it does'nt happen too often.
> Mike

Not to be a wet blanket, but packets _may_ be routed two ways, but
the whole message will end up on the server in one block.  See,
each TCP packet has a sequence number, if you get two with the same
sequence number you throw one away.  If you are getting two e-mail
messages some machine has generated it twice.


(Unix Sysadmin, State of Florida, worked with the states WAN for

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