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Re: Infantry mounting in 6mm

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 05:51:21 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Infantry mounting in 6mm

--- Glenn M Wilson <> wrote:

> But will there be enough room on a 3/4" x 3/4'
> square or should I
> increase the size of the base?  Or should it be
> rectangular?	

Yeah, there should be.	I've put all sorts of
formations on that size stands.  Of course, I don't go
more than 4 men per base.  I've even done some
shoulder-to-shoulder stands of riot police.

> Besides the DS2 rules call for fire teams to act as
> a unit (and on a > stand that means IMO.)  What size
stand does the > membership of this list
> use for infantry in post-1938 games?	How many
> figures do you put on a > stand?  What is too
many/too few on too large/too > small a base in your
> experience?

I generally use 4 for infantry, 3 for powered armor. 
Weapons teams get either two per, or how ever many
crewmen a mortar is supposed to have.  I could see
between 3 and 5 men as a general rule.


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