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Re: [FT] (LONG) The Balance of Power -- Fighters and a Defense

From: Brian Burger <yh728@v...>
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 17:04:09 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [FT] (LONG) The Balance of Power -- Fighters and a Defense

On Mon, 2 Apr 2001, Roger Books wrote:

> I will just point out this is part of a debate that cycles 
> through here periodically.  There are two, rather vociferous
> camps.
> 1.  Fighters are just fine.  Fighters break morale when they
>     lose units and are point balanced just fine.

1.5. Fighter are too powerful; they should cost twice as much, or do
significantly less damage, even though we use morale.

> 2.  Fighters are too powerful and need weapon systems to balance
>     this.  No, we do not use morale.

My $0.02,

Brian - -
- -
> My recommendation?  If you use morale leave things as is.  If
> you don't use morale up the size and cost of a fighter bay
> and squadron by 50%.	Otherwise don't fix something that is
> broken because you chose to ignore rules.
> Roger

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