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Re: WotD Laser Targeting

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 07:13:11 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: WotD Laser Targeting

--- Derek Fulton <> wrote:

> I don't think money is going to be a problem,
> there's a lot of resources  > laying around a star
system . I don't think it with > be like star trek
where > money is a outmoded concept in the Federation,
but > it will definitely be a  > case of 'there's gold
in dem dar hills' and lots of > it too.

Sure.  There just aren't a lot of good systems of
extracting it except in cases (extremely rare) where
it's actually worth exporting it back to the Inner
Systems.  Keep in mind that with easy access to the
asteroid belt and the other planets in the Sol system,
we've got a couple millenia's worth of practically any
raw material.  What's to justify the enormous capital

> Basically anyone could afford to buy the required
> tech base, they just have > to find a seller and
then it's a case of being > prepared maintain what you

Which, given simillar situations in the past 50 years,
is not a given.

> purchase. After all it can't be that hard look at
> the NRE, got their hands  > on a few star systems
and next thing you they're > legends in their own
minds :)

Keep in mind that several of those systems were
settled by the EC and had been propped up for 20+
years before revolting.  And managed to revolt in the
middle of a civil war so they didn't have to worry
about reconquest attempts.


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