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CA question

From: "Barclay, Tom" <tomb@b...>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 15:03:30 -0500
Subject: CA question

Roger said:
By the shift method the d6 versus d10 gets 8 shifts becoming d12 vs d4.
The vet goes down about 79%.

By the roll against every one the vet goes down 99.98% of the time.


Tomb says:
Note that my proposed die shifts limited to two. Odds worse than 3:1
treated as 3:1 (at some point, attacker density just doesn't get any
better... I decided two shifts was enough). So the 8 Greens vs the vet
be 8d6 vs. d6. He'd have a *chance* to kick their arses....  but he
would not. In actual fact, assuming he rolled well, he'd die, but he'd
probably take a bunch of them with him. _that_ is the risk of mass

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