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Re: WotD Laser Targeting

From: Derk Groeneveld <derk@c...>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 10:18:23 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Re: WotD Laser Targeting

Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 29 Mar 2001, Jaime Tiampo wrote:

> Ok, the group has come up with an idea and since I'm the most vocal
> new weapons I get to post it.
> Laser "painting" of targets.
> Laser takes 1 action to set up
> Squad can make comm roll to unit with GMS, that unit can fire "over
> top" of terrain.
> Laser can be mounted in turret or mast of vehicle
> Takes 1 action to aquire target with it
> Mast counts as single infantry size when being fired at; armour D6
> For infantry walkers, mast make walker 1 size larger for targeting
> Laser shifts guidance die up one band.

Mmm. I've been thinking of somethign similar to this; stand-off missile
launcher racks. I _think_ something similar was mentioned in the rules.

I'd want a laser designator with my inf, comms attempt to get a missile
ready to fire. Then, do normal direct fire against vehicle. Resolve
minor/major hits with regular GMS damage.

Just a thought I been playing with, nothing I really worked out.

Did I understand from your post that you'd ONLY have the laser on
vehicles? Modern day laser designators are already man-portable, and
think of a single reason why they wouldn't be even  more so in the


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