Prev: RE: [OFFICIAL] Re: [DSII] Stratchbuilding AA | Next: RE: [SG] Leader placement |
> A quick question to all out there; not terribly relevant to anthing in
> particular, but maybe an interesting topic for discussion...
> When you are playing a ground combat game (any game, not just SG or
> what "role" do you see YOU, as the player, actually playing - it it
> highest level commander ON-TABLE (eg: the Company Commander if
> you've got a
> company deployed on the table), or the next higher command level
> overseeing
> the battle from off-table (the Battalion Commander in the foregoing
> example)?
> Personally, I've always felt that in SG or FMA it's probably the
> and in DS the latter - but YMMV, so what do you think?
I tend to view myself in the same roles as John has mentioned. We do a
amount of campaign gaming also, which tends to up the level one or two
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